Monday 24 February 2014


who do not want to have the ideal body in this life, moreover it also involves the health of ourselves.

ok..... here I want to share some tips that can be practiced to lose weight.

This  program requires high spirit and  motivation  attitude to make it work!

Change your diet everyday

 The most basic thing for someone who wants to start a diet program to lose weight is change eating habits. When we talk about diet, many people think that one need refrain from eating rice. For me this  concept is totally wrong and should be avoided.


                                                Choose for your life

Eat 5-7 small meals( portion) instead of three large meals .
  This will not only be able to control his desires diet and even keep your energy going all day .      


Do not skip meals .
It will not help you help you lose weight because
 1. decreased metabolism .


Knowing your daily calorie meet their needs .
Many people do not recognize the needs of their daily calories . But if you do not know , how did want to control the quantity of food ? !
Roti canai?, burger?, Rendang ayam?  .. how many calories is that? Make sure you know the calorie content of food and drink.
For Starting, You must know about the BMR( basal Metabolic Rate), BMI and DCR( daily calories requirement).

Avoid calories from beverages .
These are tips that help you lose weight the easiest. With just replace sugary drinks such as iced tea, milo , soft drinks and other sugar -free water , you can cut about 10kg in a year. 
high sugar content!!

Drinking mineral water .

Water does not contain any calories and not gain weight for a long time  . But avoid excessive salt intake because it will increase your body reservoir .

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