Wednesday 21 May 2014

IpHoNe SiX

The new iPhone could be one of the most pivotal devices in the Cupertino brand's history - with the iPhone 5S andiPhone 5C simple updates to previous models, there's a lot of pressure heaped on the iPhone 6.
As per usual, the internet is awash with rumor, speculation and downright lies over this next-generation handset, which is why we spend our time trawling through each nugget of info, debating its merits and curating it into this easy-to-read hub for all things iPhone 6.
According to a survey of 4109 US consumers the iPhone 6 is the most anticipated Apple smartphone ever, with interest easily outstripping that of the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5.
Some of you might have been expecting the iPhone 6 to have debuted in 2013, but given the iPhone's history - from the 3G onwards, there's always been a half-step S model before the next numbered iPhone - we were never going to get the 6 until 2014. In fact, it will technically be the iPhone 8 when it finally launches... but hey, who's counting these days?
One thing is for sure, with the Samsung Galaxy S5Sony Xperia Z2 andHTC One M8 now out in wild, Apple needs to be on its game with the new iPhone - and many believe a bigger screen is simply a must.
Cut to the chase
What is it? A major revision of the iPhone including entire design
When is it out? September 2014 seems most likely
What will it cost? Expect premium pricing for a premium smartphone

iPhone 6 release date

The iPhone 6 release date will be in 2014, although exactly when that will be in the year is still a little unclear.
Multiple reports have spoken of a larger device from Apple at WWDC in June, but WWDC has never been about hardware. The announcement of the iPhablet seems unlikely with the focus likely to be on iOS 8 instead.
At the very least, Apple appears to be testing a larger iPhone, but there's no guarantee it'll bring it to the market this year.
Apple has launched the last few iPhones at a special event in September, so the smart money is on September 2014 for the iPhone 6's arrival.
Not to mention the fact that according to Apple is restricting holidays during September for employees at German Apple Stores, which strongly suggests a new hardware launch then.
We'll likely see the new iPhone arrive, possibly along with the iWatch, running iOS 8 for the first time. While Apple will probably reveal details of its new operating system in June, we'll have to wait until September to actually see it in action on a handset.
Your next smartphone
If you're already thinking about your next mobile we've goteverything you need to know about your next smartphone.
HTC One M8 | Sony Xperia Z2 | Samsung Galaxy S5 | LG G3
All the news and secrets on 2014's forthcoming blockbusters to info on the best that's already here, we'll arm you with all the info you'll need to get your perfect smartphone.
Find your next smartphone
It's looking increasingly likely that we'll see more than one Apple handset this year though. KGI's analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has thrown his hat into the ring and seems to think a duo of new iPhones will be released, with a 4.7-inch iPhone coming out towards the end of the third quarter and a 5.5-inch iPhablet hitting the market late in the fourth quarter.
Suggestions of both sizes arriving September could also hold water - but only if Apple keeps both products under the iPhone name. If if splits the larger device under a new name (such as the 'iPhone Air' as we recently heard it referred to) then a June and September launch could make sense.
Though we've also heard that Apple has had trouble finding appropriate batteries for the 5.5-inch device and that as a result it might even slip into next year.


Monday 12 May 2014


Baling town lies to the south-east of  Kedah State and is approximately at 56 km from sungai petani town. Situated close to the border of  Thailand where the nearest town Betong is just an hour drive from here.
Baling was once declared by Malayan government as the state of emergency, where there were war against communist guerrillas occurred in 1948 through 1960.

Its Clock Tower is the most famous landmark that situated in front of Baling town mosque, built to commemorate independence of the country in 1957.

The clock is still ticking until today and standing tall with the embossed word "MERDEKA" below its face, which means "INDEPENDENCE".

Filling up on fiber-rich foods helps prevent overeating.
Weight control is a common reason that you might consider eating healthily. Although following a balanced diet can help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, this is only one benefit. Those who follow a healthy, well-balanced diet reduce their risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Aim to consume a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and unsaturated fats.

Weight Loss or Maintenance

Use fruit, vegetables, lean protein and whole grains to replace high-fat, high-calorie foods. Staying within your required calorie range is vital for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. The fiber in whole grains, fruits and vegetables help fill you up faster and keep you full longer than foods that are loaded with sugar. The longer you are satiated, the less likely you are to exceed your ideal calorie range.

Blood Sugar

Sugary foods, such as white bread, fruit juice, soda and ice cream, cause a spike in blood sugar. While your body can handle occasional influxes of glucose, over time this can lead to insulin resistance, which can go on to become type 2 diabetes. Complex carbohydrates, such as whole grain bread, oatmeal and brown rice, cause a slow release of sugar into the bloodstream, which helps regulate blood sugar.

Decreased Risk of Heart Disease

Regularly consuming high-fat foods can increase your cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which can cause plaque to buildup in your arteries. Over time, this can lead to heart attack, stroke or heart disease. Eating a moderate amount of healthful fats such as those found in olive oil, avocados, fish, nuts and seeds helps protect your heart.

Decreased Cancer Risk

Fruits and vegetables are loaded with antioxidants, which are substances that seek and neutralize potentially damaging cells called free radicals. Free radicals contain an uneven amount of electrons, making them highly unstable. As they seek out and steal electrons from healthy cells, they can cause damage. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals by donating one of their electrons, turning the free radical into a stable molecule.